Sunday, October 10, 2010

Yay! Sunday...ugh, Church

It's Sunday again, which means I must go to church. I have nothing against going to church, it's just that I don't like MY church. Sunday School I like, but I try to avoid going to the service whenever possible for three main reasons -

1. Our pastor does what is called "expository preaching." That means he looks into a passage and sees if there is a deeper meaning. But most of the time after he finishes I'm like "Huh?" I just don't get it.
2. The songs are your typical worship songs - slow, soft, and DULL. Can't we at least once play some Skillet?
3. The Pianist always concludes a song with a speech about how wonderful God is. I agree, God is wonderful, but going off on a ten-minute speech that eventually nobody listens to because you're talking for so long is NOT. I seriously have to resist the urge to shout for her to get on with it already.

At least Dad lets me sit in the church library during the service...provided I either read a book of the Bible or write an essay. Or write an essay on a book of the Bible. And I always bring my MP3, so if I get REALLY bored I can watch videos on it. Thank God for technology.

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