Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Novel Summary

So I decided to post a summary of the novel I'll be writing in November on here, just in case I forget or something. Here goes!

Helena and her two elder sisters, Theresa and Kiera, inherit their great-aunt's Chateau in the French countryside. The Chateau de Solitude dates back to the Renaissance and is perhaps one of the most grand of Chateaus from that time. Naturally, the sisters are ecstatic. The first day there is spent excitedly exploring the grounds of their new home. However, when night falls and ghostly singing can be heard, the sisters become frightened.

When morning dawns, Theresa and Kiera flee the Chateau, but Helena stays. She is unwilling to return to her totalitarian mother, so she takes it upon herself to discover the source of the singing - and if possible, put a stop to it. The next few weeks she studies the records of the Chateau and examines every nook and cranny, only to discover absolutely nothing about the ghostly voice that sings at night.

But one night when she is wandering sleeplessly down the corridors, she comes upon an amazing scene - standing in the moonlight is a man, singing the same song she hears every night. Helena attempts to speak to him, but he ignores her and walks away.

Afterward Helena just ignores the man, until she stumbles upon a secret room - the music room, which houses a beautiful concert grand. Being a lover of music, Helena is eager to play such a magnificent instrument. As she plays the song that is on the sheet music before her, she is stunned when the mysterious man reappears to play a duet with her. After the song is over, the man introduces himself as Songmaster, and the two strike up a friendship that will soon blossom into much more.

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