Sunday, October 10, 2010

Drabble - Quite Possibly the Darkest Thing I Have Ever Written

            Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed all around, the spindly limbs of dead trees seeming to grab at the pale figure fleeing through the woods. Her breath came in ragged gasps, and her auburn hair was tangled and full of twigs, as it had been caught in the bushes multiple times during her frenzied escape. Her white silk dress was splashed with mud, one shoe was gone. But still she ran.
            Suddenly her foot twisted and she went tumbling, hitting the cold ground with a hard thud, feeling roots and pebbles jab into her. Breathing heavily, she propped herself up on her hands.
            “Still going to run?”
            Her head whipped around at the mocking voice. Standing there, impossibly clean despite the mud all around, was the one she fled from. His unruly dark brown hair hung over one eye, the other eye an icy blue. Around those pale orbs were dark circles, as if he never slept. He wore black and burgundy garments embroidered with intricate gold designs, and a single red rose was pinned to his chest. He gazed at her solemnly, but in the depths of his eyes there was a spark of frenzy. All in all, he painted a perfect picture of insanity.
            The girl struggled to stand, but her injured foot would not allow her to. “Get away!” She demanded, but her voice carried a note of fear that did not go unnoticed by the man before her. He chuckled.
            “Why should I?” he questioned. “You are mine, you know. Your body, mind, and soul, belong to me.” He smiled, his brilliant white teeth showing. “You cannot escape, my dear. No matter where you run, I will find you and drag you back.”
            The girl trembled. “Please!” She begged. “Let me go!”
            The man’s eyes took on a hard edge. “No.” He said coldly. “Have I not already said it? You are mine” He drew a sword from a scabbard on his belt, leveling it with her face. “Do you fear this blade?” Shivering, the girl nodded. “Good.” The man said. Gingerly he touched the tip to her throat. “Does this hurt?”
            “N-No.” The girl replied shakily.
            “Would it hurt if I pressed harder?”
            She whimpered. “Yes.”
            “That’s because the blade is like me – it can harm you, or it cannot. It depends on the amount of force behind it.” The man told her. “If you continue to try escaping, you put more force behind the blade, and it will harm you.” He traced a line down her neck with the tip of his sword, causing her to tremble violently. “Will you behave?”
            She whined low in her throat. “Yes…”
            “Yes what?” He prompted, applying just a little more pressure on the blade.”
            The girl averted his eyes. “Yes….Master…” She mumbled.
            He grinned and stooped down, lifting her up into his arms and turning to walk back the way he came. “You cannot escape.” He whispered into her ear. “You are mine.”