Saturday, October 30, 2010

My Life Is Average

So, I found this site called My Life is Average, Also called MLIA. It's the funniest thing on earth. Here are some things I found on there:
Today, in class, my teacher said something about loaning out the movie 'The Ring' from our library. My friend, who is new at school, said, completely innocently, "I will take the Ring, although I do not know the way." Our whole class burst out laughing, and nine of us raised our hands to volunteer to show her the way to the movie section. My teacher said, "Nine companions. So be it. You will be the Fellowship of the Ring."
Today, I was feeling a bit depressed that America seemed to rule the world - most famous people seem to be American. Here in England, Obama is more famous than our Prime Minister! Then I remembered, Twilight was from an American author and Harry Potter was from an English author. I feel like, for once, we have won.
Today i remembered my child fantasy that when i had children, my daughter's name would be Estella (who i'd call Stella) and she would fall in love with a boy named Damon. Why did i remember this fantasy?? My 20 year old daughter Estella came home with a boy who she has been seeing. His name? Damon, i have high hopes for this relationship.
Today, I held a door open for a girl. Not only did she thank me but she went in. It was the Men's Restroom.

Today I got stopped going through airport security. Why? Because all the airport staff wanted to look at my amazing socks.

Today, at work, a little girl probably no older than 7 came up to me at my stand and asked me if I liked Justin Bieber. I thought since she was little, she probably did, so I didn't want to upset her and said "He's not my favorite singer." She came back with "HE? You mean she's a BOY?!" I love children.

Most People will admit to singing in the shower, however my college roommate and I used to wait to take showers at the same time so that we could have duets from Wicked in our adjacent shower stalls.

For Christmas my best friend bought me a life size cut-out of Edward Cullen. I wasn't quite sure how I was going to make use out of the creepy, glaring, cardboard face. When my sister came home from college, we put it behind the door, so when she opened it, there was a man staring at her. She screamed and we have been placing him all around our house for the past week. Edward has ended up in dark corners, closets, bathrooms, and cars. I can't wait until my sister takes a shower tonight and sees what's behind her shower curtain.

Today, I got a txt from a random stranger that said, "Do not eat the next banana you see." Out of curiousity, I went to the kitchen and picked up a banana and opened it. It was half rotten. This is so cool.

Today one of my friends told me that the day before she had hid in her brother's backseat as he drove to work and popped out singing, "Hi Ho Hi Ho! It's off to work we go!" I remember why we're friends now.

Today, my mom sent me a text saying, "No homework today?" I replied, "I am doing homework." She said, "I'm watching you." Trying to be creepy, I replied, "I'm watching you watching me." Her reply? "Don't look in the closet." I'm scared now. I've been out-creeped by my mom.


  1. So you hadn't heard of MLIA before this? I'm sorry for you.

  2. Bahahaha! Those are AWESOME!!!!!
    You only just found MLIA? *feels sorry for you*

  3. ...Damon is the name of one of my main antagonists. o.o
    Oh, & this is Kaede from Nano, by the way. :)
