Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Today In Health Class

...NO, it's not what you think it is!

We were in the computer lab, creating seven day meal plans using an online software. I got bored of that, so i pulled up my blog and was browsing through it, when the girl next to me sees the pic of what I want my Halloween Costume to be.

Girl: What's that?

Me: What I'm going to be for Halloween.

Girl: It looks like a chick.

Me: IT'S A GUY, thank you very much.

Girl: It can't be! That's definitely a chick!

Me: If you think THAT'S a guy, you should see Hizaki!

Girl: Whatever. *goes back to work*

Me: *fuming, opens up google images and types in "Versailles Hizaki"* Look, that's Hizaki.

Girl: *mouth drops open* THAT CAN'T POSSIBLY BE A GUY!

Naturally, she says this VERY LOUD. So everyone else in the lab is interested in what all the commotion is. After a brief explanation, I ended up fighting valiantly against those in class that began calling the band "gay" and attempting to shoot them down.

On top of it all, that girl turns out to be a Bieber fan.

I'm surrounded by mundanes!


  1. Bahahahaha! xD That's pretty funny.
    Oh, & this is Kaede, by the way.

  2. XD. bahahah... And a Bieber fan too...*heddesk*

  3. Why was she making fun of him...? After all, Bieber looks like a little girl. Sheesh.
