Thursday, January 6, 2011

Story excerpt

I started writing a story...a fanfiction,'s about the members of Versailles and is based off the PV for Aristocrat's Symphony, but...IT'S TURNING OUT SO MORBID!

I'll post an excerpt to show you.

            The five nobles of the castle, plus their guest, sat at a long wooden table piled high with food that smelled extraordinarily amazing. Kamijo sat at the head of the table, Hizaki on his left and their guest at his right. Yuki sat besides their guest, and Teru sat across from him. Jasmine was seated next to Teru, examining her extremely long nails.
            Kamijo talked to the girl as they ate. “So, what is your name?” He asked.
            “Maria.” The girl replied politely. “My name is Maria. Your name is Kamijo, correct?”
            He nodded. “Yes, that is my name.” He confirmed. “Lord Kamijo of this castle. What do you think of the meal, Maria?”
            The others watched as their lord conversed with the girl, playing the role of hospitable host. But they all knew that it was nothing but a farce. Kamijo was doing nothing but providing her with an illusion of security and safety – an illusion he would later brutally shatter through various methods of torture.
            The girl was so engrossed in her conversation with Kamijo that she didn’t even notice Yuki reach over and slip some powder into her food. Kamijo caught Yuki’s eyes and nodded approvingly.
When the meal was over, Kamijo stood up and turned to go. “I shall retreat to my chambers for the night.” He told everyone at the table. “Maria, you may feel free to explore the castle.” And with a swish of his cape, he turned and walked off.
            Hizaki took a sip of her wine. “Maria, perhaps you would like me to give you a tour of the castle?” She offered sweetly. “All these corridors must be confusing for you.”
            Maria nodded gratefully. “Thank you.” She said. “That would be very helpful.”
            Yuki watched them walk off together, Maria smiling to herself. He smirked as he thought of how very soon, that smile would be replaced by an expression of terror and agony.
            Teru stood up. “I’m going to the library.” He announced, bored. “Tell me what happens later.”
            Jasmine also stood up, her expression calm and detached. “I’ll be in my chambers.” She said. “Don’t bother telling me what happened, I have my ways of finding out information.”
            Yuki watched them depart. Those two preferred not to get involved with the sadistic torture that he, Hizaki and Lord Kamijo enjoyed so much. Teru was a scholar and talented artist, and Jasmine was a very accomplished musician. They claimed to be too refined to take part in torture. Kamijo claimed that they didn’t know what they were missing.
            But even though they disliked partaking in torture and sadism, they didn’t bat an eye whenever Kamijo found a new victim. They simply didn’t care.
            It was an attitude that would be considered cold and heartless for a human…but quite typical for the vampires they were.

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