Saturday, January 1, 2011

Guess What Happened 30 Minutes Before the New Year?

I'll tell you! I FINISHED THE ROUGH DRAFT OF MY NANO NOVEL! I'm so happy! It didn't make my word count goal, but I'm going to go back and thicken it up a little. And I wrote a really cute Epilogue!


            “Helena, do you remember what day it is?”
            Twenty-nine-year-old Helena Marcel turned to her husband Nocturne and smiled, reaching out and straightening the collar on his long-sleeved shirt. “Of course I do.” She said happily. “It’s the anniversary of the day your curse was broken.”
            “And the anniversary of our first kiss…” Nocturne said, glancing at her sidelong.
            Laughing, Helena drew her husband in close. “I get the message.” She said, placing a kiss on his lips. “You should leave for work.”
            “Yeah, I know.” He said, pulling away reluctantly. “A musician’s work is never done!” He lamented.
            “You’re starting to sound like your father.” Helena teased, turning back to the mound of dirty dishes.
            Nocturne snorted. “Helena, you only knew him for a month!” He pointed out. “After that he had to return to…where he had come from.”
            Helena nodded. “At least he got to see the wedding.” She said. “It’s too bad he never got to meet his grandchildren…”

Wait! What's this? GRANDCHILDREN? And why the heck am I typing in bold?

            “Momma?” Asked the voice of a small child. “Momma, Papa, I’m hungry.”
            “Me too!” Piped up another voice.
            Helena and Nocturne turned to see their nine-year-old fraternal twin children standing in the doorway, a girl with long blond hair and pale blue eyes and a boy with dark brown hair and dark eyes. “Melody, Sinclair, you’re up early.” Helena commented. “What do you want to eat?”
            “Pancakes!” The twins chorused.
            “With strawberries!” Melody added.
            “And whipped cream too!” Sinclair put in.
            Nocturne chuckled and kissed Helena one last time. “I have to leave.” He said. “Have fun with the kids.”
            “I will.” Helena told him. “Have a good day at work!”
            “Bye Papa!” Melody called after her father.
            “Come home soon so we can play!” Sinclair added.
            Laughing, Nocturne walked out the door, closing it behind him. Helena watched him go before turning her attention back to her work.
“Momma?” Melody asked. “Will you play with us today?”
            “Yeah!” Sinclair agreed.
            “You need to do your studies first.” Helena told her children, setting a plate of pancakes before each of them. “Eat up, and then I’m teaching you piano, math, and reading. If you’re good, we’ll play a game afterwards.”
            “Okay.” They agreed, digging into their pancakes.
            “Momma?” Sinclair asked. “Can you tell us the story again?”
            Helena smiled. “I don’t see why not.” She told them. “Once, when I was younger, I received news that I had inherited a Chateau in France. But I never knew that what I would find in there would change my life forever…”

AWWWW! Melody and Sinclair are so cute! I want to hug them! Their names actually have significance to the story - Sinclair was Nocturne's father and Melody was Nocturne's sister. 

Hope you liked it!

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