Saturday, January 15, 2011


The Ascendead Master of Ice and Obsidian with a Group of Crazy Girls and a Kinda Guy

            Danielle sat at her computer typing away furiously in the chat room she was in. She loved talking with her friends – Prince Husky, Writer of Tragedies, Lady Laurel, Fan4 and of course, Emale. They were all girls, except for Emale, who was a kinda guy (it’s a little complicated). Either way, it was fun to talk to these guys.

Prince Husky: So, Beast (Danielle’s online nickname), how is your story coming along?

GodPalaceMethodOfInheritance (AKA Danielle): It’s coming along okay, but I need inspiration for this one scene between Dante and Freeze.

Emale: Just do something totally random and then explain it by saying there were high.

Writer of Tragedies: Great idea!

Fan4: Yep!

Lady Laurel: LOL, Aiden. XD

GodPalaceMethodOfInheritance: But I don’t even know what to randomly write about!

            “Mind if we help you out with that?”
            Danielle whirled around to see the two main characters of her story, Dante Maggerpelt and Freeze Daimondus, standing there. Dante had long black hair and sparkling green eyes, while Freeze has equally long white hair with deep blue eyes. Dante gave her a lopsided grin. “We thought we’d pop in and say hello!” He said cheerily.
            Danielle almost had a heart attack. “OH MY GOD!” She screamed. “YOU GUYS…! YOU’RE ACTUALLY…!”
            Dante clamped a hand over her mouth. “No screaming!” He commanded. “It hurts my sensitive wolf ears!”
            Freeze snorted. “Yeah right, Dante.”
            Danielle could only stare. Dante pointed at the computer. “I think your friends want to talk to you.”
            Freeze looked at the computer. “Why not just bring them here and talk to them personally?”
            Danielle found her voice. “Because they live far away!” She said. “Husky lives all the way in Australia, Aiden is in Michigan…”
            The two men looked at her, then Freeze snapped his fingers. The sound seemed a little unusual…it seemed to echo, somehow. There was a flash of light, and then five girls were suddenly in her living room, all of them looking very confused.
            Dante grinned. “Hello!” he said happily. “I’m Dante Maggerpelt, that’s Freeze Daimondus, and this…” He jerked his thumb at Danielle. “Is Danielle, AKA GodPalaceMethodOfInheritance.”
            The mouths of all five girls dropped open. “NO WAY!” They chorused incredulously. “BEAST?!”
            Danielle grinned sheepishly. “Yeah, I’m Beast.” She said shyly. “I don’t know what happened, but Freeze brought you all here somehow.”
            There was silence, but then they all grinned. “SWEET!” They said in unison.
            Danielle found herself grinning back. “Yeah.” She said. “Sweet. The only that could make this better would be Versailles showing up…”
            “You called?”
            They all whirled around to see five people standing by the doorway – a man with short blond and pale blue eyes, a “woman” with blond hair and a red dress, a young man with black-streaked silver hair and wide blue eyes, a man with brown hair, and a black haired man with red eyes. They were very familiar to Danielle – as they should be, since they were the members of her favorite band, Versailles.
            “OH MY ******* GOD!” She shrieked. “It’s really you! How?!”
            Kamijo, the blond haired man, smirked. “We’re magical like that.” He said smugly.
            The youngest girl, who Danielle guessed to be Husky, stared with wide eyes. “TERU!” She yelled, running over and glomping the silver-haired man. “OMG, you’re even cuter in real life!”
            Teru grinned. “Thanks!” he said, ruffling Husky’s hair. “You’re cute too.”
            Husky blushed redder than Hizaki’s dress. Another girl turned to Danielle. “Hiya Danielle.” She said. “I’m Tragedy.”
            Danielle grinned. “Hello Tragedy!” She said cheerily. “Nice to meet a fellow Yaoi fangirl in person!”
            A person who looked like a boy stepped forward with a flourish. “Hello, peeps.” He/she said. “It’s me, Aiden.”
            Instantly, Aiden was tackled by all the girls present. “AIDENNNN!” They screeched. The one who screeched the loudest and longest Danielle guessed to be Fan4. Which meant that the final girl was Lady Laurel…

            …and then Danielle woke up and cursed that fact that it was all just dream, and that she hadn’t taken the opportunity to kiss Kamijo, or even witness a Yaoi kiss between Dante and Freeze.
            It was very disappointing.

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