Monday, June 13, 2011

Le Gasp! An actual POST!

>.> I haven't been posting lately. I'm lazy.

So to make up for my pitiful lack of activity, I have decided to introduce of my newest OC's. Say Hello to Altair, the mysterious man who is somehow linked to the dragon race.

...I feel lame because the image is from a manga I read once, but it was the best pic of him I could find! would normally be where I introduce him, give his personality and stuff...but he's still REALLY undeveloped...all I know is:

1. He is somehow linked to the dragon race.
2. He was a mentor to my other character, Leon, when Leon was young.
3. His hair is green.
4. He is a very kind man.

Yeah so...that's it.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Pictures for Aiden

Aiden was complaining that he couldn't see the pictures I put on google docs.

so here:

Sunday, May 1, 2011

An Outfit for an OC

So, I wanted to show my friend and outfit my OC is wearing.

SO I'm uploading the images here.

Matthias's Jacket
Matthias's boots

His necklace

There ya go.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


I was bored. So I did a drawing of Matthias and Romeo, the couple in mine and Writer of Tragedy's RP. By the way, Matthias and Romeo are now engaged!

EDIT: I did another one!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

This. Just made me so happy.

I was on youtube, looking at Tokio Hotel videos, and what do i see?

See that? That's MY comment that I made. It made it into the Highest Rated Comments section.

I feel complete.

Fanart for the RP

So, Tragedy and I are doing an RP together. And I did some fanart for our two charries, Matthias and Romeo.

Click the image for the full size.

Note: The background is not mine, it came from Deviantart

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Eyeshadow fail

I tried to use eyeshadow today...

Epic fail on my part.

*le sigh* Here's the image...

The picture is a fail on my part too, but hey, it was with my phone!

Monday, January 17, 2011

My Desktop Wallpaper! Part II

Guess what it is this time?

....actually, no. It's not Versailles. can blame Fan for this -



Saturday, January 15, 2011


The Ascendead Master of Ice and Obsidian with a Group of Crazy Girls and a Kinda Guy

            Danielle sat at her computer typing away furiously in the chat room she was in. She loved talking with her friends – Prince Husky, Writer of Tragedies, Lady Laurel, Fan4 and of course, Emale. They were all girls, except for Emale, who was a kinda guy (it’s a little complicated). Either way, it was fun to talk to these guys.

Prince Husky: So, Beast (Danielle’s online nickname), how is your story coming along?

GodPalaceMethodOfInheritance (AKA Danielle): It’s coming along okay, but I need inspiration for this one scene between Dante and Freeze.

Emale: Just do something totally random and then explain it by saying there were high.

Writer of Tragedies: Great idea!

Fan4: Yep!

Lady Laurel: LOL, Aiden. XD

GodPalaceMethodOfInheritance: But I don’t even know what to randomly write about!

            “Mind if we help you out with that?”
            Danielle whirled around to see the two main characters of her story, Dante Maggerpelt and Freeze Daimondus, standing there. Dante had long black hair and sparkling green eyes, while Freeze has equally long white hair with deep blue eyes. Dante gave her a lopsided grin. “We thought we’d pop in and say hello!” He said cheerily.
            Danielle almost had a heart attack. “OH MY GOD!” She screamed. “YOU GUYS…! YOU’RE ACTUALLY…!”
            Dante clamped a hand over her mouth. “No screaming!” He commanded. “It hurts my sensitive wolf ears!”
            Freeze snorted. “Yeah right, Dante.”
            Danielle could only stare. Dante pointed at the computer. “I think your friends want to talk to you.”
            Freeze looked at the computer. “Why not just bring them here and talk to them personally?”
            Danielle found her voice. “Because they live far away!” She said. “Husky lives all the way in Australia, Aiden is in Michigan…”
            The two men looked at her, then Freeze snapped his fingers. The sound seemed a little unusual…it seemed to echo, somehow. There was a flash of light, and then five girls were suddenly in her living room, all of them looking very confused.
            Dante grinned. “Hello!” he said happily. “I’m Dante Maggerpelt, that’s Freeze Daimondus, and this…” He jerked his thumb at Danielle. “Is Danielle, AKA GodPalaceMethodOfInheritance.”
            The mouths of all five girls dropped open. “NO WAY!” They chorused incredulously. “BEAST?!”
            Danielle grinned sheepishly. “Yeah, I’m Beast.” She said shyly. “I don’t know what happened, but Freeze brought you all here somehow.”
            There was silence, but then they all grinned. “SWEET!” They said in unison.
            Danielle found herself grinning back. “Yeah.” She said. “Sweet. The only that could make this better would be Versailles showing up…”
            “You called?”
            They all whirled around to see five people standing by the doorway – a man with short blond and pale blue eyes, a “woman” with blond hair and a red dress, a young man with black-streaked silver hair and wide blue eyes, a man with brown hair, and a black haired man with red eyes. They were very familiar to Danielle – as they should be, since they were the members of her favorite band, Versailles.
            “OH MY ******* GOD!” She shrieked. “It’s really you! How?!”
            Kamijo, the blond haired man, smirked. “We’re magical like that.” He said smugly.
            The youngest girl, who Danielle guessed to be Husky, stared with wide eyes. “TERU!” She yelled, running over and glomping the silver-haired man. “OMG, you’re even cuter in real life!”
            Teru grinned. “Thanks!” he said, ruffling Husky’s hair. “You’re cute too.”
            Husky blushed redder than Hizaki’s dress. Another girl turned to Danielle. “Hiya Danielle.” She said. “I’m Tragedy.”
            Danielle grinned. “Hello Tragedy!” She said cheerily. “Nice to meet a fellow Yaoi fangirl in person!”
            A person who looked like a boy stepped forward with a flourish. “Hello, peeps.” He/she said. “It’s me, Aiden.”
            Instantly, Aiden was tackled by all the girls present. “AIDENNNN!” They screeched. The one who screeched the loudest and longest Danielle guessed to be Fan4. Which meant that the final girl was Lady Laurel…

            …and then Danielle woke up and cursed that fact that it was all just dream, and that she hadn’t taken the opportunity to kiss Kamijo, or even witness a Yaoi kiss between Dante and Freeze.
            It was very disappointing.

For Aiden

another plot idea

Summary: Zechariah Thorn seemed like your typical corporation CEO. He was rich, powerful, and knew how to handle his business. But he’s got a secret – he’s a vampire.

Zechariah hated having to keep his dark identity secret. So over the years, he plotted and planned. And then, as the CEO of a medical corporation, he launched Project Nova and brought the Vampires into the light…by making everybody else one.

But although he has managed to convert the entire population of NYC into vampires, everyone else is still human. And there is plenty of resistance. Melinda Prosper, for example. Melinda, a feisty teenage girl armed with a shotgun, a chainsaw, and her father’s old F-150 truck wages her own war against the vampires – especially Zechariah.

A bitter war will ensue, but Zechariah will find himself starting to doubt his own plan…and Melinda may not make it out of this alive.

Gift for WoT

I hope she likes it! It's a picture I edited to look like Dante, her OC!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Plot Idea

So, I have this plot idea in my head...I'll post it here.

On her sixteenth birthday, Diana is visited by a large talking wolf named Raoulan, who tells her that she is a Tarot. A Tarot is a person who has the ability to wield Dream Cards - commonly known as Tarot Cards. By channeling their most powerful dreams into certain cards, a Tarot can battle other Tarot by using those cards to summon dreams for combat. The Tarot community holds tournaments every year so that the Tarot can face off for fun and sport. With her deck of powerful dreams, Diana enters tournament after tournament, making her name well known. But one day she is up against the most powerful Tarot ever, and is faced with a choice - lose, and never be able to battle again; or win at the cost of revealing her most powerful card and secret weapon...a card she is not sure she can control.

Monday, January 10, 2011


So, I went onto CDJapan today...and guess what I found?


It's called "Philia" and it's going to be the theme song for a TV DRAMA THEY WILL BE APPEARING IN.

Trailer on Youtube:

Guess who pre-ordered the limited edition of this single?

That's right. ME! Come March, it will be MINE!

Here is a screenshot from the teaser trailer:

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Calendar Pictures

Remember how I said I had gotten a Versailles Calendar for Christmas?

I spent about twenty minutes scanning in some of the images.

And then about an hour and a half of waiting for them to upload.

I left out June and December's picture, because they were just the five previous month's pictures put together.
This is the back! Teru did that painting of the logo himself.

Kamijo lounging in a Yukata. He looks SO gorgeous! Picture for January.

Hizaki inn costume. February's picture.

Teru in his costume. I LOVE HIM. This was the picture for April.

Yuki in HIS costume. I like the hair. This was the month of May.

Masashi with a katana. For March.

Kamijo in his costume for the month of July.

Yuki, shirtless, showing off his tattoo and holding dice. The month of August.

Teru playing a flute, for September.

Masashi in costume. October.

Hizaki, wearing a BEAUTIFUL KIMONO. I want th

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Ending of My Horrible Story

            As Hizaki and Yuki left to do their respective tasks, Kamijo turned back to Maria’s limp form. “You can stop pretending now, dearest.” He said with a smile. “I know that you’re faking.”
            “Maria” opened her eyes and sat up, smirking at Kamijo. “So you figured it out.” She sing-songed, winking at the vampire lord before abandoning the fake falsetto. “How long have you known?” She asked, this time with a shockingly deep voice.
            “Since I laid eyes on you, Kaya.” Kamijo said with a chuckle. “I’d heard that you could pass off as a girl, but this…I certainly wasn’t expecting you to be THAT convincing.”
            Kaya, a famous and very male vampire, grinned fiendishly. They had never met before now, but they had a mutual friend. “I AM an actor.” He said smugly. “But you weren’t such a bad actor yourself, Kamijo.”
            Kamijo snorted. “I should hope not.” He said dryly. “How’s Juka?”
            “Juka? Oh, he’s made quite the name for himself.” Kaya said flippantly. “His songs have attracted the attention of royalty.”
            Kamijo smirked. “Just like your poems, Kaya.” He remarked. “I quite enjoy reading them.”
            “Thanks.” Kaya said. “You know, Kamijo, you have quite the imaginative mind when it comes to methods of torture. But have you ever considered using that mind for other pursuits as well?”
            Kamijo raised an eyebrow. “Like what?” he asked.
            “I don’t know…” Kaya shrugged. “Poems or songs, maybe?”
            The vampire lord paused. “I’ll think about it.” He told Kaya.
            Kaya grinned. “You might want to leave now.” He suggested. I hear that Hizaki woman coming back, and you might not want to be bothered explaining this to her. I’ll explain for you.”
            Kamijo nodded, opening the door to the room in his chambers that was furnished only by a large bed. “Good night, Kaya.” He called over his shoulder as the door shut behind him.
            As Kamijo reclined on his bed, he thought about what Kaya had suggested. As he was thinking, words popped unbidden into his mind.
            “At the ball…” He sang softly. “…wearing a nice dress, the aristocrats dance and sing…not affected by the meaning of that blood either.”
            He smirked.
            So began an Aristocrat’s Symphony.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Picture of Dante and Freeze

This is for Wordbender and Tragedy.

Story excerpt

I started writing a story...a fanfiction,'s about the members of Versailles and is based off the PV for Aristocrat's Symphony, but...IT'S TURNING OUT SO MORBID!

I'll post an excerpt to show you.

            The five nobles of the castle, plus their guest, sat at a long wooden table piled high with food that smelled extraordinarily amazing. Kamijo sat at the head of the table, Hizaki on his left and their guest at his right. Yuki sat besides their guest, and Teru sat across from him. Jasmine was seated next to Teru, examining her extremely long nails.
            Kamijo talked to the girl as they ate. “So, what is your name?” He asked.
            “Maria.” The girl replied politely. “My name is Maria. Your name is Kamijo, correct?”
            He nodded. “Yes, that is my name.” He confirmed. “Lord Kamijo of this castle. What do you think of the meal, Maria?”
            The others watched as their lord conversed with the girl, playing the role of hospitable host. But they all knew that it was nothing but a farce. Kamijo was doing nothing but providing her with an illusion of security and safety – an illusion he would later brutally shatter through various methods of torture.
            The girl was so engrossed in her conversation with Kamijo that she didn’t even notice Yuki reach over and slip some powder into her food. Kamijo caught Yuki’s eyes and nodded approvingly.
When the meal was over, Kamijo stood up and turned to go. “I shall retreat to my chambers for the night.” He told everyone at the table. “Maria, you may feel free to explore the castle.” And with a swish of his cape, he turned and walked off.
            Hizaki took a sip of her wine. “Maria, perhaps you would like me to give you a tour of the castle?” She offered sweetly. “All these corridors must be confusing for you.”
            Maria nodded gratefully. “Thank you.” She said. “That would be very helpful.”
            Yuki watched them walk off together, Maria smiling to herself. He smirked as he thought of how very soon, that smile would be replaced by an expression of terror and agony.
            Teru stood up. “I’m going to the library.” He announced, bored. “Tell me what happens later.”
            Jasmine also stood up, her expression calm and detached. “I’ll be in my chambers.” She said. “Don’t bother telling me what happened, I have my ways of finding out information.”
            Yuki watched them depart. Those two preferred not to get involved with the sadistic torture that he, Hizaki and Lord Kamijo enjoyed so much. Teru was a scholar and talented artist, and Jasmine was a very accomplished musician. They claimed to be too refined to take part in torture. Kamijo claimed that they didn’t know what they were missing.
            But even though they disliked partaking in torture and sadism, they didn’t bat an eye whenever Kamijo found a new victim. They simply didn’t care.
            It was an attitude that would be considered cold and heartless for a human…but quite typical for the vampires they were.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Guess What Happened 30 Minutes Before the New Year?

I'll tell you! I FINISHED THE ROUGH DRAFT OF MY NANO NOVEL! I'm so happy! It didn't make my word count goal, but I'm going to go back and thicken it up a little. And I wrote a really cute Epilogue!


            “Helena, do you remember what day it is?”
            Twenty-nine-year-old Helena Marcel turned to her husband Nocturne and smiled, reaching out and straightening the collar on his long-sleeved shirt. “Of course I do.” She said happily. “It’s the anniversary of the day your curse was broken.”
            “And the anniversary of our first kiss…” Nocturne said, glancing at her sidelong.
            Laughing, Helena drew her husband in close. “I get the message.” She said, placing a kiss on his lips. “You should leave for work.”
            “Yeah, I know.” He said, pulling away reluctantly. “A musician’s work is never done!” He lamented.
            “You’re starting to sound like your father.” Helena teased, turning back to the mound of dirty dishes.
            Nocturne snorted. “Helena, you only knew him for a month!” He pointed out. “After that he had to return to…where he had come from.”
            Helena nodded. “At least he got to see the wedding.” She said. “It’s too bad he never got to meet his grandchildren…”

Wait! What's this? GRANDCHILDREN? And why the heck am I typing in bold?

            “Momma?” Asked the voice of a small child. “Momma, Papa, I’m hungry.”
            “Me too!” Piped up another voice.
            Helena and Nocturne turned to see their nine-year-old fraternal twin children standing in the doorway, a girl with long blond hair and pale blue eyes and a boy with dark brown hair and dark eyes. “Melody, Sinclair, you’re up early.” Helena commented. “What do you want to eat?”
            “Pancakes!” The twins chorused.
            “With strawberries!” Melody added.
            “And whipped cream too!” Sinclair put in.
            Nocturne chuckled and kissed Helena one last time. “I have to leave.” He said. “Have fun with the kids.”
            “I will.” Helena told him. “Have a good day at work!”
            “Bye Papa!” Melody called after her father.
            “Come home soon so we can play!” Sinclair added.
            Laughing, Nocturne walked out the door, closing it behind him. Helena watched him go before turning her attention back to her work.
“Momma?” Melody asked. “Will you play with us today?”
            “Yeah!” Sinclair agreed.
            “You need to do your studies first.” Helena told her children, setting a plate of pancakes before each of them. “Eat up, and then I’m teaching you piano, math, and reading. If you’re good, we’ll play a game afterwards.”
            “Okay.” They agreed, digging into their pancakes.
            “Momma?” Sinclair asked. “Can you tell us the story again?”
            Helena smiled. “I don’t see why not.” She told them. “Once, when I was younger, I received news that I had inherited a Chateau in France. But I never knew that what I would find in there would change my life forever…”

AWWWW! Melody and Sinclair are so cute! I want to hug them! Their names actually have significance to the story - Sinclair was Nocturne's father and Melody was Nocturne's sister. 

Hope you liked it!