Friday, December 17, 2010

WARNING: Really Angsty Post

Well, life really sucks right now.

To start off, there's this jack-a** in my English Class who won't shut up and is so obnoxious. He thinks he's being cool, but he's just being an idiot.

Then My lab partner for Bio is a perverted delinquent. I'll say something totally innocent, and he'll right of the bat say "That's what she said." Plus, he admits to taking drugs (his girlfriend's in my art class, and she admitted that she's been smoking pot since she was twelve) and he's given me the middle finger more times than I care to count.

Math just plain sucks. It's so boring!

My MP3 is near dead, it has so many problem and continues to frustrate the heck out of me. The screen will go white sometimes, and then I have to turn it off and turn it back on to get it to work.

My friend is starting to grate on my nerves, because she was home-schooled until freshmen year and as a result she's sheltered. She has the mentality of a sixth grader and the lewd knowledge of a high school senior, and she just doesn't get it! We're arguing more often now - we've always argued, but the other day it got really intense. And she doesn't know that anything's wrong between us!

I have hardly any social life. My friends never invite me anywhere and most of the time I'm left at home to just sit around bored out of my mind.

And to top it off, I'm failing Bio. and last quarter I failed Health. And I might fail History. I have never gotten such bad grades in my life, and it's really ticking me off.

I can't sleep at night. In the past three day I have gotten a grand total of ten hours sleep.

Plus, since it's winter I'm always feeling stuffy and congested.

Life sucks so much right now.

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