Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Excerpt from NOCTURNE (yes, another title change!)

Yes, I changed the title again. Now it's just NOCTURNE. And I thought I'd share a little excerpt with you guys. I really like this one. Heheh. Have fun!

            “Helena?” Nocturne came up besides her and looked over her shoulder at the letter she was holding. He read it quickly and arched an eyebrow. “A family get-together?” he asked. “Are you going?”   
            “I have to.” Helena sighed. “I’ll never hear the end of it if I don’t.”
            Nocturne was quiet. “I don’t want you to go.” He said softly.
            “I don’t either.” Helena admitted. “But look, it’ll be for a couple of days at most. I’ll be back before you know it. In the meantime, try not to burn down the Chateau or something else equally crazy.”
            He looked miffed. “As if I would do something like that!” He protested.
            Helena laughed. “I know, I’m just teasing you.” She told him. “I need to go pack, and then I have to call Mr. Davis and arrange for him to drive me to the airport. Mind helping me?”
            “Sure.” Nocturne agreed. “Give me a minute, I’ll be right there.”
            “Okay.” Helena said, heading off to her room.
            Nocturne whirled around to face his father’s ghost, who was lingering next to an armchair. “Are you out of your mind?” he hissed. “What if she had seen you? You’re lucky I saw you and was able to keep her attention off you!”
            You worry too much. Sinclair told his son, plopping down into the armchair. Now, when are you going to tell her?
            “I don’t know.” Nocturne confessed. “Now’s not a good time, I don’t want her worrying about it while she’s away. I’ll tell her when she gets back.”
            You’d better. Sinclair growled. Or else I’ll tell her for you.
            “No!” Nocturne said quickly. “I promise I’ll tell her when she comes back! Okay?”
            Good. Sinclair said. Because I don’t remember raising you to be a coward.
            “You’re one to talk.” Nocturne shot back. “Whenever mother got angry you’d go to the music room, lock the door, and climb out the window. Which, by the way, is most definitely not behavior befitting of a nobleman…”
            You would have done the same thing! Sinclair argued. You know just as well as me how terrifying your mother was when she got angry!
            “I wouldn’t have climbed out a window!”
            Yes you would!
            “Would not!”
            Would too!
            “Would not!”
            Would too!
            “Would not!”
            “Nocturne?” Helena’s voice called. “Are you coming?”
            Better go to her. Nocturne advised. It’s not nice to keep a lady waiting.
            “Coming!” Nocturne called back, shooting one last glare at his father. “We’ll settle this later.” He said.
            Looking forward to it. Sinclair said cheerfully.

Awww, Nocturne! It's so sweet that you want Helena to stay!

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