Friday, December 3, 2010

An Insanely long post that was made insanely long by nothing but pictures (with an insanely long title)

So, I promised wordbender pictures of Kamijo...and pictures she (or he, I don't know) shall get!

Ahh, of my favorite images. This is Kamijo in the Promotional Video for their song "Arisotcrat's Symphony" Which is without a doubt one of their best songs.

This photo is actually before the time of Versailles...Kamijo here is providing some of the vocals for a song called "Node of Scherzo" which was part of the Hizaki Grace Project. It takes place after Kamijo's old band, LAIRENE, had disbanded.

Also from Aristocrat's Symphony. I love this one.

I think this is from a magazine. Whatever the case, he's still hot!

Aristocrat's Symphony again.

This is from the single "Ascendead Master" which totally changed my view of vampires. Edward Cullen still sucks, but I don't hate ALL vampires now.

Aristocrat's Symphony.

You'll be able to guess this one...Yep. Aristocrat's Symphony.

Aristocrat's Symphony.

This is from their album JUBILEE, which was a bit of a change in their sound. They're still really good, but in my opinion, the old album, NOBLE, was better.

Not even gonna bother telling you, you should know...

Um...Not entirely sure about this...I think it's from before NOBLE, but after their first album, Lyrical Sympathy.

Ascendead Master. This is a screenshot from the PV.



Aristocrat's Symphony...AGAIN...

Kamijo's current look! This is for their newest Album: Destiny -The Lovers-

This is...old. REALLY old. This is Kamijo when he was still in LAIRENE.

Kamijo from JUBILEE, but without his jacket. I could look at that all day...

Kamijo performing live in his newest look.

Ascendead Master. He never wore the overcoat in the video, but in the performance of their concert CHATEAU DE VERSAILLES he wore it often.

Oh yes! The furry outfit! This is from their mini-album, PRINCE and PRINCESS.

Kamijo in the short movie made for Ascendead Master.

Do I honestly need to tell you?

*sighs* Why did their have to be so many Aristocrat's Symphony Pictures?

A screenshot from the PV of Serenade.

This is pretty, the very early days of Versailles. From their first album, Lyrical Sympathy.

Prince and Princess.

Kamijo onstage with Teru. Probably during the Chateau de Versailles concert.

Aristocrat's Symphony!
And FINALLY...have a video that I found extremely funny!