So, I promised wordbender pictures of Kamijo...and pictures she (or he, I don't know) shall get!
Ahh, of my favorite images. This is Kamijo in the Promotional Video for their song "Arisotcrat's Symphony" Which is without a doubt one of their best songs. |
This photo is actually before the time of Versailles...Kamijo here is providing some of the vocals for a song called "Node of Scherzo" which was part of the Hizaki Grace Project. It takes place after Kamijo's old band, LAIRENE, had disbanded. |
Also from Aristocrat's Symphony. I love this one. |
I think this is from a magazine. Whatever the case, he's still hot! |
Aristocrat's Symphony again. |
This is from the single "Ascendead Master" which totally changed my view of vampires. Edward Cullen still sucks, but I don't hate ALL vampires now. |
Aristocrat's Symphony. |
You'll be able to guess this one...Yep. Aristocrat's Symphony. |
Aristocrat's Symphony. |
This is from their album JUBILEE, which was a bit of a change in their sound. They're still really good, but in my opinion, the old album, NOBLE, was better. |
Not even gonna bother telling you, you should know... |
Um...Not entirely sure about this...I think it's from before NOBLE, but after their first album, Lyrical Sympathy. |
Ascendead Master. This is a screenshot from the PV. |
Aristocrat's Symphony...AGAIN... |
Kamijo's current look! This is for their newest Album: Destiny -The Lovers- |
This is...old. REALLY old. This is Kamijo when he was still in LAIRENE. |
Kamijo from JUBILEE, but without his jacket. I could look at that all day... |
Kamijo performing live in his newest look. |
Ascendead Master. He never wore the overcoat in the video, but in the performance of their concert CHATEAU DE VERSAILLES he wore it often. |
Oh yes! The furry outfit! This is from their mini-album, PRINCE and PRINCESS. |
Kamijo in the short movie made for Ascendead Master. |
Do I honestly need to tell you? |
*sighs* Why did their have to be so many Aristocrat's Symphony Pictures? |
A screenshot from the PV of Serenade. |
This is pretty, the very early days of Versailles. From their first album, Lyrical Sympathy. |
Prince and Princess. |
Kamijo onstage with Teru. Probably during the Chateau de Versailles concert. |
Aristocrat's Symphony! |
And FINALLY...have a video that I found extremely funny!
eh, wordy, maybe you should have said ONE picture...
Ah l love this tribute<3