Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Post Number 50!


Oh yeah, did I ever tell you guys about my imaginary boyfriend, Matthias? No? Alright then! I shall tell you.

About three or four years ago, I was intensely into pokemon. And one thing that always bugged me was that they never revealed who Ash's dad was! So I was thinking about that one day, and I decided to make up a character to be Ash's dad. I gave him a background and a basic appearance, as well as a name - Matthias.

Then I decided that I liked him as a character and started using him in various stories, but under different names (he has had so many aliases I cannot count them all). And somewhere along the way, I fell in love with him.

His appearance has evolved over the years (His hair grew longer and his eyes changed color multiple times. Also, there are times when he's clean shaven and times when he has a bit of a goatee). And his age always fluctuates. Right now he's 23.

The good thing about having him as an imaginary boyfriend? He can't break my heart, and he's always there.

Oh yah, I found this image on a website, AND IT LOOKS JUST LIKE HIM. NO JOKE. The image is supposed to be a human version of Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon, but I look at him an immediately think of Matthias.

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