Friday, December 31, 2010

It be the last day of 2010!

Another year almost gone...(it's 10:00 where I live. 2 hours left!)

I shall celebrate by erecting a shrine for my new Versailles Merch!

...meh, not really. That'd be a little extreme, even for me.


It finally came....

...the package I ordered on Christmas! It cost me almost 200 dollars, but it was worth it!

I am now the proud owner of:
  • 3 Versailles CD's. One full length album (Jubilee) and two Maxi-singles ("Prince and Princess" and "Destiny, the Lovers")
  • a Versailles 2011 calendar (it is the most beautiful calendar I have ever seen)
  • "Chateau de Versailles" which is a 2 and a half hour DVD of their concert at C.C Lemon hall back in 2008 and comes with a stack of awesome cards that have a picture on the front and the lyrics to one of their songs on the back.

Friday, December 24, 2010


It's Christmas Break! Yes!

I REALLY hope I get everything on my list for Christmas. Especially the seventy dollar DVD of Versailles.

Has anyone here ever heard of the Reduced Shakespeare Company? If not, check them out on Youtube! They're so funny! Their most famous performance is "The Complete Works of Shakespeare Abridged." I laughed until I cried.

Friday, December 17, 2010

WARNING: Really Angsty Post

Well, life really sucks right now.

To start off, there's this jack-a** in my English Class who won't shut up and is so obnoxious. He thinks he's being cool, but he's just being an idiot.

Then My lab partner for Bio is a perverted delinquent. I'll say something totally innocent, and he'll right of the bat say "That's what she said." Plus, he admits to taking drugs (his girlfriend's in my art class, and she admitted that she's been smoking pot since she was twelve) and he's given me the middle finger more times than I care to count.

Math just plain sucks. It's so boring!

My MP3 is near dead, it has so many problem and continues to frustrate the heck out of me. The screen will go white sometimes, and then I have to turn it off and turn it back on to get it to work.

My friend is starting to grate on my nerves, because she was home-schooled until freshmen year and as a result she's sheltered. She has the mentality of a sixth grader and the lewd knowledge of a high school senior, and she just doesn't get it! We're arguing more often now - we've always argued, but the other day it got really intense. And she doesn't know that anything's wrong between us!

I have hardly any social life. My friends never invite me anywhere and most of the time I'm left at home to just sit around bored out of my mind.

And to top it off, I'm failing Bio. and last quarter I failed Health. And I might fail History. I have never gotten such bad grades in my life, and it's really ticking me off.

I can't sleep at night. In the past three day I have gotten a grand total of ten hours sleep.

Plus, since it's winter I'm always feeling stuffy and congested.

Life sucks so much right now.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

About to head out for the bus

It's 7:00 AM and I'm about to go out into freezing temperatures to wait for the bus (And I'm not exaggerating about it being freezing, it's only 22 degrees out there).

We had a guy come to our school yesterday and give an assembly on Rachel's challenge. I'll tell you about it when I have more time. I will say this - it was so moving that ten minutes into it I was crying my eyes out.

I gotta go. Bye!

(Have an image before I leave!)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Post Number 50!


Oh yeah, did I ever tell you guys about my imaginary boyfriend, Matthias? No? Alright then! I shall tell you.

About three or four years ago, I was intensely into pokemon. And one thing that always bugged me was that they never revealed who Ash's dad was! So I was thinking about that one day, and I decided to make up a character to be Ash's dad. I gave him a background and a basic appearance, as well as a name - Matthias.

Then I decided that I liked him as a character and started using him in various stories, but under different names (he has had so many aliases I cannot count them all). And somewhere along the way, I fell in love with him.

His appearance has evolved over the years (His hair grew longer and his eyes changed color multiple times. Also, there are times when he's clean shaven and times when he has a bit of a goatee). And his age always fluctuates. Right now he's 23.

The good thing about having him as an imaginary boyfriend? He can't break my heart, and he's always there.

Oh yah, I found this image on a website, AND IT LOOKS JUST LIKE HIM. NO JOKE. The image is supposed to be a human version of Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon, but I look at him an immediately think of Matthias.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

LeFont Coffee House Tonight! Yay!


...what the heck am I gonna do for it?! I signed up to read something - a poem, a story, whatever - but I have nothing to read!

Okay, calm down, I can do this...

I'm going to check my computer's files for anything and everything I can use!

Oh, and by the way....



Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Excerpt from NOCTURNE (yes, another title change!)

Yes, I changed the title again. Now it's just NOCTURNE. And I thought I'd share a little excerpt with you guys. I really like this one. Heheh. Have fun!

            “Helena?” Nocturne came up besides her and looked over her shoulder at the letter she was holding. He read it quickly and arched an eyebrow. “A family get-together?” he asked. “Are you going?”   
            “I have to.” Helena sighed. “I’ll never hear the end of it if I don’t.”
            Nocturne was quiet. “I don’t want you to go.” He said softly.
            “I don’t either.” Helena admitted. “But look, it’ll be for a couple of days at most. I’ll be back before you know it. In the meantime, try not to burn down the Chateau or something else equally crazy.”
            He looked miffed. “As if I would do something like that!” He protested.
            Helena laughed. “I know, I’m just teasing you.” She told him. “I need to go pack, and then I have to call Mr. Davis and arrange for him to drive me to the airport. Mind helping me?”
            “Sure.” Nocturne agreed. “Give me a minute, I’ll be right there.”
            “Okay.” Helena said, heading off to her room.
            Nocturne whirled around to face his father’s ghost, who was lingering next to an armchair. “Are you out of your mind?” he hissed. “What if she had seen you? You’re lucky I saw you and was able to keep her attention off you!”
            You worry too much. Sinclair told his son, plopping down into the armchair. Now, when are you going to tell her?
            “I don’t know.” Nocturne confessed. “Now’s not a good time, I don’t want her worrying about it while she’s away. I’ll tell her when she gets back.”
            You’d better. Sinclair growled. Or else I’ll tell her for you.
            “No!” Nocturne said quickly. “I promise I’ll tell her when she comes back! Okay?”
            Good. Sinclair said. Because I don’t remember raising you to be a coward.
            “You’re one to talk.” Nocturne shot back. “Whenever mother got angry you’d go to the music room, lock the door, and climb out the window. Which, by the way, is most definitely not behavior befitting of a nobleman…”
            You would have done the same thing! Sinclair argued. You know just as well as me how terrifying your mother was when she got angry!
            “I wouldn’t have climbed out a window!”
            Yes you would!
            “Would not!”
            Would too!
            “Would not!”
            Would too!
            “Would not!”
            “Nocturne?” Helena’s voice called. “Are you coming?”
            Better go to her. Nocturne advised. It’s not nice to keep a lady waiting.
            “Coming!” Nocturne called back, shooting one last glare at his father. “We’ll settle this later.” He said.
            Looking forward to it. Sinclair said cheerfully.

Awww, Nocturne! It's so sweet that you want Helena to stay!

Friday, December 3, 2010

An Insanely long post that was made insanely long by nothing but pictures (with an insanely long title)

So, I promised wordbender pictures of Kamijo...and pictures she (or he, I don't know) shall get!

Ahh, of my favorite images. This is Kamijo in the Promotional Video for their song "Arisotcrat's Symphony" Which is without a doubt one of their best songs.

This photo is actually before the time of Versailles...Kamijo here is providing some of the vocals for a song called "Node of Scherzo" which was part of the Hizaki Grace Project. It takes place after Kamijo's old band, LAIRENE, had disbanded.

Also from Aristocrat's Symphony. I love this one.

I think this is from a magazine. Whatever the case, he's still hot!

Aristocrat's Symphony again.

This is from the single "Ascendead Master" which totally changed my view of vampires. Edward Cullen still sucks, but I don't hate ALL vampires now.

Aristocrat's Symphony.

You'll be able to guess this one...Yep. Aristocrat's Symphony.

Aristocrat's Symphony.

This is from their album JUBILEE, which was a bit of a change in their sound. They're still really good, but in my opinion, the old album, NOBLE, was better.

Not even gonna bother telling you, you should know...

Um...Not entirely sure about this...I think it's from before NOBLE, but after their first album, Lyrical Sympathy.

Ascendead Master. This is a screenshot from the PV.



Aristocrat's Symphony...AGAIN...

Kamijo's current look! This is for their newest Album: Destiny -The Lovers-

This is...old. REALLY old. This is Kamijo when he was still in LAIRENE.

Kamijo from JUBILEE, but without his jacket. I could look at that all day...

Kamijo performing live in his newest look.

Ascendead Master. He never wore the overcoat in the video, but in the performance of their concert CHATEAU DE VERSAILLES he wore it often.

Oh yes! The furry outfit! This is from their mini-album, PRINCE and PRINCESS.

Kamijo in the short movie made for Ascendead Master.

Do I honestly need to tell you?

*sighs* Why did their have to be so many Aristocrat's Symphony Pictures?

A screenshot from the PV of Serenade.

This is pretty, the very early days of Versailles. From their first album, Lyrical Sympathy.

Prince and Princess.

Kamijo onstage with Teru. Probably during the Chateau de Versailles concert.

Aristocrat's Symphony!
And FINALLY...have a video that I found extremely funny!


Holy Cow, I haven't been on in over a month...I wish I could say that it was because I was busy, but in all honesty, I plain forgot. Or I was too lazy.

Yeah, so a lot happened. I failed NaNoWriMo (quite epically, I might add), I went to New Jersey for Thanksgiving break, discovered an awesome Japanese band called D'espairsRay (Not for the faint of heart, they're kinda...very...screamo-ish), and fangirled over Versailles's new album.

This is the awesomeness of the new Versailles~!